Pastor’s Blog
Welcome to the Pastor’s Blog. Here you will find our pastors’ reflections on scripture, culture, and the life of discipleship. If a particular blog gets you thinking, consider sharing it with a friend. Thanks for being here!
Holy Week at Home: Devotional Activities for Holy Week
Holy Week is a time of holy waiting. We know something beautiful is near, but we cannot yet see the completed picture. And so we watch and wait. As we watch and wait from our homes this year, many of us long to make Holy Week more meaningful for ourselves and our families. Here are a few simple ideas for families of all sizes and ages to connect to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection with just a few minutes each evening.
The Way of the Cross
Easter is coming, and we are an Easter people made new in Christ who is worthy of our highest praise. But Jesus—and we who are his followers—arrive at Easter only by way of the cross.