Mission Trips

As Disciples of Christ, we strive to be "a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world" whose mission is to "be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps 'to the ends of the earth' (Acts 1:8)."  To this end, God calls us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, serve the poor, tend to the sick, welcome the stranger, love the outcast, and so much more.  Sometimes this call takes us around the world and other times it takes us just down the street.  Below you will see some of the ways God invites us to serve.


Youth mission Trips

Each summer, the Chi-Rho and CYF youth (grades 6-12) travel to various destinations around the Midwest for a week of mission, learning, relationship building, spiritual growth, and fun.  Past destinations include: Kansas City, MO; St. Louis, MO; Minneapolis, MN; Crystal Lake, MI; South Dakota; Colorado; Dallas-Fort Worth, TX; and Camp Tawakoni, KS.  Talk with pastors Randy, Mark or Luke, or Shelby in the church office for more information about this year's mission trip.



Each Spring and Fall, adults from WDMCC spend a week serving in communities around the country. Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome for this week of mission and spiritual development. It’s always a fun week to connect and serve with church friends while making a difference! Past destinations include: Texas, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas.


national mission trips (adults)

Each Spring, adults from WDMCC travel to sites of natural disasters to work alongside community members in their efforts to rebuild.  Adults of all ages and skill levels are welcome for this week of mission and spiritual development. Past destinations include: Texas; Alabama; Missouri; Mississippi; Louisiana; Iowa; and Kansas.


international mission trips (adults)

Every few years, members of WDMCC travel abroad to build relationships and learn about new cultures with the hope of expanding our worldview.  Trips often involve opportunities for service and fellowship.  Past trips include: Honduras; Nicaragua; and Ecuador.